File a Complaint
Dear Citizen,
The Newbury Police Department strives to provide a service to the community that is lawful, professional and dependable. It is my expectation that each and every employee of the Newbury Police Department maintains this standard at all times. As the Chief of Police, I rely on information from various stakeholders, including the public, to oversee the actions of each employee. This includes providing the public with an opportunity to recognize employees for their exceptional performance, and for brining perceived actions of misconduct to my attention.
Citizens may use this form to report officer misconduct. Please be specific if your complaint involves discrimination, excessive force, serious death or injury, improper use of a weapon or unprofessionalism. The Newbury Police Department investigates complaints from known and anonymous reporting parties. All complaints will be investigated. Complainants should be advised that all employees have the right to due process.
Complainants should complete the attached form in as much detail as possible, including witnesses, images and videos of the event. Reports and attachments can be sent to the Newbury Chief of Police via email, US Postal Service, dropped off in a sealed envelope at the Newbury Police Department or submitted to the Town of Newbury, Human Resources Director at Newbury Town Hall, 12 Kent Way, Byfield, MA 01922.
If your information is known, someone will be in touch to discuss this report. I appreciate the time you are taking to help ensure that we maintain an honorable department
Patricia A. Fisher
Chief of Police
7 Morgan Ave
Newbury, MA 01951
978-462-4440 x105