Residents should use the form above to apply for a new or renewal LTC or FID.
Please read these instructions before filling out the application.
Use this form to notify the Firearms Record Bureau that your address has changed.
(According to MGL c 140 s140, s129B and s131: A cardholder shall notify the licensing authority that issued such firearms license, the Chief of Police into whose jurisdiction such cardholder moves, and the Commissioner of the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services of any change of address within 30-days of its occurrence. Failure to notify any of these entities shall be cause for revocation or suspension of the license.)
Individuals otherwise disqualified from possessing a FID or LTC because of certain misdemeanor convictions(s) may petition the FLRB for review by filling out this form.
(Upon reading these instructions and completing your firearms application, you should bring your application, copies of safety certificates and a check made payable to "Town of Newbury" to the Newbury Police Department and the dispatcher will schedule you with an appointment to meet with the firearms licensing officer. We recommend renewal applications be dropped off between 2-3 months PRIOR to the expiration date on the card. New applications generally take 6 weeks after your appointment with the firearms licensing officer to be activated.)
If you misplaced your PIN#, please email Officer Nathan Hunter and provide him with your full name, date of birth, contact phone number and license number and he will be in touch with you to provide you with your PIN#.
(Newbury Police Department can only access PIN information for licenses they originally issued, if your license was initially issued out of another police department, please contact that departments firearms licensing officer for assistance.)
This website is a replacement to the FA-10 Form, now referred to as the EFA-10 Form, used to transfer ownership of a weapon.
Please complete the attached affidavit if your FID or LTC has been lost, misplaced or stolen. Do not use this form to report lost, misplaced or stolen firearms, rather contact the police department immediately to file a report.
FID Card Applicants between the ages of 15-17 years old must have a parent / guardian complete this form and have that parent / guardian with them during their appointment. Juvenile applicants must be 15 years of age to apply.
Otherwise referred to as the “Red Flag Law”, individuals who have concerns that a family or household member, who is known to have a valid License to Carry (LTC) or Firearms Identification Card (FID), poses a risk of causing bodily injury to self or others by having control, ownership, or possession a firearm, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, stun gun, or ammunition, can petition the judicial system to request household or family members LTC or FID Card be temporarily suspended.
Firearms Officer: Officer Nathan Hunter
Click Here to Email
As a federally prohibited person with a valid FID Card, you may only purchase or possess the following: Chemical sprays designed to incapacitate as defined by MGL 140 § 121; Black powder or similar ammunition for use with primitive firearms or replicas of primitive firearms as described in MGL 140 § 121.